Friday, April 4, 2008


Toulmin Method: The U.S. is in Iraq for reasons not said by the government.

The Case Claim: The U.S government says we are in Iraq based on the fact they have weapons of mass destruction and we are going to stay there until peace is brought to the country. But I feel and many other Americans believe that this reason is untrue and that so called “War against terror” is a cover up for the truth.

· Qualifier(s: The claim is not absolute because a lot of the information about the real reasons for the war are merely claims and there are still some Americans who believe that the War in Iraq is a good thing for America.

· Exception(s): The writer would not press his claim against those who believe the War in Iraq is a good thing for America.

Reason #1: There is a lot of speculation behind the fact the U.S is in Iraq for oil, so much in fact that it must hold some truth.

What makes it relevant? Iraq holds the second largest proven reserves and it would be naïve to believe that the U.S. has not thought about that fact.

What makes it good? With the growing demand for gas and crude oil being a necessary component of it just make sense that in the government point of view one can see what can of opportunity Iraq presents.

What evidence supports it? The Energy Information Administration released the numbers of crude oil exported into the U.S. in January 2008 and from those records one can find that 0.543 million barrels per day were exported from Iraq.

Reason #2: Why is it that Iraq is the only country being confronted for having weapons of mass destruction? It is well known fact that North Korea was a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty but withdrew in 2003. And then to make it worst on October 9, 2006 there was an announcement by the North Korean government had successfully conducted a nuclear test for the first time. So knowing this information why hasn’t the U.S. invaded their country looking for the weapons of mass destruction. In my opinion this just shows that our true purpose is not to find weapons of mass destruction.

What makes it relevant? One of the biggest reasons many people backed the war in the first place is the fact that it was thought that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and were concealing them. So it would seem logically that the U.S. would pursue every country that has weapons of mass destruction.

What makes it good? North Korea is known for having nuclear bombs and already testing them so that definitely constitutes to me as evidence of weapons of mass destruction

What evidence supports it? According to North Korea DPRK government has been proceeding with a nuclear weapons program. It is well known fact that North Korea was a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty but withdrew in 2003. And then to make it worst on October 9, 2006 there was an announcement by the North Korean government had successfully conducted a nuclear test for the first time

Reason #3: The government lies about so many issues surrounding the Iraq war to the point where one has to think is the Iraq war just another lie. Of the so called 50 successful smart bombs dropped in Iraq 0 hit their designated target. Still that is not even talking about the death toll and costs of war which are reaching ridiculous numbers.

What makes it relevant? The Iraq war is still going on this day and every day another soldier dies and more money is wasted because of lies.

What makes it good? It would be naïve to believe that everything the government says is the truth so this is good becomes it just bring their dirt to the light.

What evidence supports it? They government actually keeps up with the death toll in Iraq and one can find the count up of money being spent in Iraq on many sites on the internet. MSNBC actually said they believe the war could actually surpass $1 trillion and that is enough money to save a lot more problems that need to be solved.


Objection: This is the alternative opinion for my argument shared by some Americans. The War on Terror was started because there was belief that individuals from the Middle East were behind the September 11 attack. Iraq was invaded because it was believed to have weapons of mass destruction. Even though no weapons were found, the U.S. remains in Iraq on the grounds that we are stabilizing their horrible government and on those solely.


Rebuttal: Iraq has a horrible government and it would harmful to everyone involved to leave their country in its current state to return to where it was before the war.


hrichey said...

I think that you did a great job of giving a lot of examples supporting your claim. It was also more persuasive because you did a good job of citing where you got some of your information such as MSNBC and the Energy Information Administration. The only part that I would disagree with is the section that states that Iraq is the only country being chastised for "having" nuclear weapons. President Bush warned North Korea that if nuclear weapons became a problem with them that we would take action against them. But besides that point, I think you did a great job of getting your point across.

Charlotte said...

I think that you brought up a good point that many do think that we are in Iraq for oil. I think that is a very important reason that you should use in argument. I think that all three of your reasons completely support your argument and they are good reasons that will make your argument strong. Great job on the brief!

hrichey said...

#1: If the War in Iraq were for oil, and the US was taking control of the oil, it would seem to me that the price of oil would be dropping because we would have total power of all the oil in Iraq.
#2: President Bush confronted North Korea about having weapons of mass destruction and said that if they did continue making and testing WMDs that the US would take aggressive action against them. We may not have done anything, but we did confront them about it.
#3: You say that there are a lot of lies taking place in Iraq, and you provided one good example, but to make this point more relevant you may want to find more examples...